D'Hanis School

D'hanis, TX

D'Hanis School

High School • Women's Volleyball
D'hanis, TX
JoinedFeb 2019
Roster 5
Alumni 3
Kristina Finger
25 Total Connections
Are you an athlete on the D'Hanis School women's volleyball team?

4 Uncommitted Roster Athletes

Name Teams
Burell, Peyton
2024 • DS
Frosch, Jolie
2023 • OH, OPP, S
Herrmann, Mabry
2023 • OPP, MB
Thompson, Kylee
2025 • OH, MB, DS

1 Committed Roster Athlete

Name Teams Commitment To School
Frosch, Jessa
2025 • S
Blinn College
Verbally Committed