King High School

Corpus Christi, TX

King High School

High School • Women's Basketball
Corpus Christi, TX
JoinedFeb 2019
Roster 9
Alumni 5
John Villegas
14 Total Connections

5 Alumni

Name Teams Commitment To School
Earl, Jaliyah
2020 • PF, C
King High School
Jacksonville College
Signed Commitment
Hernandez, Kamila
2026 •
King High School
Lane, Beyonce
2020 • SG, SF, PF
King High School
Lawson, Téa
2020 • C
King High School
St. John Paul II High School
Our Lady of the Lake University
Signed Commitment
Mayberry Ortega, Kimbra
2020 • PG, SG
King High School